Our Philosophy

Is to provide the most courteous and empathetic treatment with the highest quality medical care available.

Is to provide the most courteous and empathetic treatment with the highest quality medical care available.


Our Philosophy

Is to provide the most courteous and empathetic treatment with the highest quality medical care available.

Our Primary Goal is You: Your Health and Well Being


Need a Doctor for Check-up?


Monday - Friday 09:00am - 05:00pm
Upcoming Holidays:
Memorial Day: Monday May 14
Independence Day: Tuesday July 4

Welcome to Friends Unity Net

and your premier source for medical care in the Washington Metro Area...

We understand that your health is important. We also are aware that health care is changing. We believe that excellent patient care is a cornerstone of your health. Furthermore, we still believe that the doctor patient relationship and being there when you need, will always be important. If you are looking for a great doctor’s office to receive your care look no further.

Doc In The Box

DIB is a personal health and wellness system that you can use at your convenience to help maintain your good health.


Satisfaction Survey

Dear Patient, In our efforts to continually serve you as best as possible we would like you to take a few moments to fill out this quick survey.


Blue Tooth Wrist Digital Blood Pressure Monitor

Digital wrist blood pressure monitor. Accurate blood pressure monitor. Connect to your blue tooth android or apple device for added benefits and monitoring.


Our Advantages

You have a number of reasons to choose us!

COMMITMENT – We fulfill our promises!

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Why Primary Health Care

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Services We offer

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Hospital Departments

Emergancy / Critical Care


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Dental Clinic


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Allergic Diseases


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Primary Health Care


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We Diagnose & Treat

Unique Problems in Our Research Center

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Link on youtube

Latest Health & Medical News

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What Our Patients Are Saying

Purus sapien consequat vitae sagittis ut facilisis arcu
  • Avatar - B.N.

    Service and follow up has been excellent. Prompt handling of all requests.

  • Avatar - G.W.

    I have found that my first experience with this office has been very comforting. I felt at ease with the assistants and once I met Dr. Hill he made me realize how important my health is and this is a difficult task for a man.

  • Avatar - DW

    Nothing bad at all. Dr. Hill is up front and honest all the ladies are nice, especially Ms. June.

  • Avatar - DB

    The Friendly staff has always been great. Dr. Hill has great chairside manners & is a wonderful doctor. So glad to be a patient here.