Your Ability to Profitably Sustain Yourself In Today's Highly Competitive and Saturated Marketplace Remains THE Primary "Stumbling Block" to Succeeding In Any Network Marketing Opportunity. With All of the Information and Communication Tools That Are Available Today, You Shouldn't Have to Wait Months Or Years to Earn the Income You and Your Family Needed Yesterday . . . . and Deserves RIGHT NOW ! !
Friends Unity Net Was Designed to Specifically Create an Open Source Networking Platform That Enables You to Bypass the Time and Money Consuming Pitfalls That Keeps Far Too Many People Struggling to Achieve Consistent Earnings. Let's Face It, Network Marketing Affords You the Unique Opportunity to Pursue Your Dreams Outside of Your Current Job or Profession Without the Risk of a Large Investment or Outlay of Cash. However, Any Investment of Time and Money Should NOT be Continually Wasted or Lost Because We Are Forced to "COMPETE ALONE'" for Prospects On an Unfamiliar, Un-Level Playing Field.

Our practice has a goal of treating you like family

Our practice is located in Laurel, Maryland. We want to be there for you as your partner in health. We plan to be there for you when you need us. We provide comprehensive medical care including blood pressure, diabetes, weight concerns and heart disease care. We believe some health concerns can be prevented and or identified early and will work with you to prevent certain health problems. We respect the power of medicine and only choose this option when needed. Some supplements and vitamins are important for your health, and when appropriate we will recommend these for you. We believe diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle are important for everyone.


We are proud to be one of the few doctors in the DC metro area that provides home visits to our patients. We have provided this service for over ten years and have seen first hand the value that this service provides to those who need it.

We accept most insurances and are proud to be able to provide you access to secure emails and convenient appointments that fit your schedule.

Don’t forget to view our FAQ page and info page to stay up to date with our office information and policies.

Don’t forget to like us on facebook, join us on twitter and sign up for our newsletter so that we can keep you up to date with office updates and important health information to help keep you healthy.


The Medical Specialists

Purus sapien consequat vitae sagittis ut facilisis arcu

We use Modern Technologies

Sed posuere nunc libero pellentesque vitae ultrices posuere. Praesent jus laoreet dignisim lectus etiam ipsum habitant tristique cras to augue ipsum pharetra scelerisq ueac mol lisvi metus sed ipsum donec. Nunc pharetra tellus. Ut fermentum odio congue. Praesent non eros at diam faucibus pharetra. Aenean purus.

Electronic Aspirin 80%
Needle-Free Diabetes Care 90%
Robotic Check-Ups 70%
A Valve Job with Heart 85%

Emergancy / Critical Care


Craesent justo laoreet dignissim lectus etiam ipsum habitan tristique nam est. Donec venenatis leo eu varius cursus ma metus adipiscing ante orb placerat volutpat diam uspendise vel sed ipsum justo mattis.


Dental Clinic


Craesent justo laoreet dignissim lectus etiam ipsum habitan tristique nam est. Donec venenatis leo eu varius cursus ma metus adipiscing ante orb placerat volutpat diam uspendise vel sed ipsum justo mattis.


Allergic Diseases


Craesent justo laoreet dignissim lectus etiam ipsum habitan tristique nam est. Donec venenatis leo eu varius cursus ma metus adipiscing ante orb placerat volutpat diam uspendise vel sed ipsum justo mattis.




Craesent justo laoreet dignissim lectus etiam ipsum habitan tristique nam est. Donec venenatis leo eu varius cursus ma metus adipiscing ante orb placerat volutpat diam uspendise vel sed ipsum justo mattis.


Primary Health Care


Craesent justo laoreet dignissim lectus etiam ipsum habitan tristique nam est. Donec venenatis leo eu varius cursus ma metus adipiscing ante orb placerat volutpat diam uspendise vel sed ipsum justo mattis.


Cardiac Clinic


Craesent justo laoreet dignissim lectus etiam ipsum habitan tristique nam est. Donec venenatis leo eu varius cursus ma metus adipiscing ante orb placerat volutpat diam uspendise vel sed ipsum justo mattis.